Eden Park Tales
Eden Park Tales
Home of Autumn Grey and other Fantastic Tales
Eden Park Tales is a small, independent publisher of fantasy and science fiction media. Founded in 2013 by Jay Mooers and Kristi McDowell, Eden Park Tales is the home of Illweed, Autumn Grey, Scales and Sand, Gang of Two, Conart, and Dragons. Eden Park Tales offers a variety of tales in different mediums, from comics to novels to artwork for any level of enjoyment.
Jay Mooers
Jay Mooers
Jay Completed his Bachelors of Fine Arts at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in illustration, after which he took to directing and writing stage plays, including a series of epic fantasies and a collaborative musical. He also created the webcomic Next to Nowhere. He continued to illustrate, paint murals and portraits throughout the years. In 2011, Jay completed his first solo novel, Illweed, the success of which prompted him to begin his comic series, Autumn Grey. With two titles under his belt, Jay co-founded Eden Park Tales in 2013 to publish these stories and more. Currently he's working on various independent comic projects with a wide variety of people. He does illustration for children's books as well as portraits and commissions.
Twitter: @edenparktales